Jeremy's Reviews > Selected Poems

Selected Poems by Lord Byron
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Well, so far I've learned that skulls make excellent goblets for wine. Better than the thoughts it contained in life!
Byron may have romanticized about women, but he also hid men in there as well.
I find a lot of it hard to read but I end up reading this in a really broken fashion. I work at a call center where I can't really enjoy it between calls, then at home I'm always gardening, eating, cooking, shopping, or facebooking so I read a poem a day at the most.
Where I was going with that is that I may not be the most credible source to write a review but I know I went into it expecting a certain something and I haven't fully gotten that yet. It's been hinted at that he's going where I want him to but he never quite gets there. I may just be looking for Edgar Alan Poe in the wrong place if you know what I mean. I did begin with the Cantos' and they were loooong, but I made it through anyway, just in case, to no avail. Now, I have made it to shorter poems. Only a few have struck my fancy so far. I'm hoping there's a lot more than a few that will really get me, I'm only halfway through so far.
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Reading Progress

January 11, 2010 – Shelved
January 11, 2010 –
page 102

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