David's Reviews > The Discovery of Heaven

The Discovery of Heaven by Harry Mulisch
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Ask a Dutch classmate for a book recommendation and this is what you get (in a sample of three independently solicited opinions, this was the result in all three cases). So we know that there is a degree of unanimity among the Dutch when it comes to the books one should have read.

I have a harder time believing that my each of my three classmates had actually read this book when they made the recommendation. It's not terrible so far, but it is a bit heavy-handed. Kind of a Dutch version of Iris Murdoch, except that Dame Iris wasn't nearly as verbose as Harry Mulisch.

Am I reading it for the story? For the ideas? For the not-so-scintillating dialog (maybe something lost in translation?) Too early to pass judgement (I'm on page 200 of about 700)
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March 25, 2010 – Started Reading
March 25, 2010 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Ray (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ray Perhaps you should read it in Dutch? Anyway, I wouldn't have recommended it to you. I'd have given you "the" Max Havelaar.

message 2: by Chava (new)

Chava Oh yes, Max Havelaar! That's a blast from the high school past.

message 3: by Chava (new)

Chava Oh and Mulisch is know for the long (seemingly endless) descriptions and meandering. He is not my favourite Dutch author, but he is held in high regard there (possibly to do with being dead).

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