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Archive Short Stories > 2022 Shorts Reading Schedule

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message 1: by Samantha, Creole Literary Belle (last edited Dec 30, 2021 01:07AM) (new)

Samantha Matherne (creolelitbelle) | -347 comments Mod
The 2022 short story reads schedule is found below. Several great suggestions were given for authors and stories, but little voting occurred. Suggestions and votes were used to compile the schedule with an attempt made at some diversity. Consideration was also given for the ease of finding the chosen short stories.

During months we read an author instead of only one short story, we will FOCUS on one particular short story of said author with other stories found in the same collection also highlighted. The focus story of selected authors will be posted within the week. Enjoy! (Each month when possible PDFs or some form of the stories will be linked in the discussion post to help accessibility.)

January: Eudora Welty - Thirteen Stories - FOCUS STORY: "The Wide Net"

February: The Door in the Wall by H.G. Wells (found within The Door in the Wall and Other Stories)

March: W. Somerset Maugham - The Trembling of a Leaf - FOCUS STORY: "Rain"

April: The Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence (found within The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories)

May: Kate Chopin - Bayou Folk and A Night in Acadie - FOCUS STORY: "Désirée's Baby"

June: It's a Good Life by Jerome Bixby (found within The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One, 1929-1964)

July: Guy de Maupassant - The Necklace and Other Short Stories - FOCUS STORY: "The Necklace"

August: The Power of Darkness by E. Nesbit (found within From the Dead: The Complete Weird Stories of E. Nesbit)

September: Shirley Jackson - Dark Tales - FOCUS STORY: "A Visit" (aka "The Lovely House")

October: The Signalman by Charles Dickens (found within Mugby Junction)

November: James Joyce - Dubliners - FOCUS STORY: "The Dead"

December: Barn Burning by William Faulkner

message 2: by John (new)

John R | 5388 comments Looks excellent, Samantha - looking forward to it. Thanks for doing this.

message 3: by Samantha, Creole Literary Belle (new)

Samantha Matherne (creolelitbelle) | -347 comments Mod
You're welcome, John. I'm excited for these, too. It should be fun.

message 4: by Jazzy (new)

Jazzy Lemon (jazzylemon) The Rocking Horse Winner is not only a great story, but a brilliant film was made of it as well.

message 5: by Diane (new)

Diane Back in the ‘60’s, when I was an undergraduate at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Miss Welty used to come yearly to read to us. I remember particularly her readings of Why I Live at the P.O. (hilarious!) and A Worn Path, my favorite of her stories. I’m so glad we’ll be reading her, and I’m looking forward to all the selections.

message 6: by Rosemarie, Northern Roaming Scholar (new)

Rosemarie | 14502 comments Mod
I like this list, Samantha!

message 7: by Samantha, Creole Literary Belle (new)

Samantha Matherne (creolelitbelle) | -347 comments Mod
Focus stories for the months with authors have been posted! Please review the collections presented and remember that you can only read the focus story, if you like.

message 8: by Lesle, Appalachain Bibliophile (new)

Lesle | 7781 comments Mod
I just got The Necklace and Other Short Stories with Jen last Sunday. I think I have one or two others but I need to look again.

message 9: by Samantha, Creole Literary Belle (new)

Samantha Matherne (creolelitbelle) | -347 comments Mod
What a happy coincidence, Lesle!

message 10: by Lesle, Appalachain Bibliophile (new)

Lesle | 7781 comments Mod
Samantha wrote: "What a happy coincidence, Lesle!"

Yes it was!

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