Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Anyone started thinking about list for 2010?

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message 1: by Tori (new)

Tori | 217 comments Just curious as to if any other book nut out there has started looking at their bookshelf and started thinking about 2010 yet? What's the first book you think you'll read?

message 2: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa | 82 comments Hi Tori,

Good question!

There is a new book coming out in January by Tracy Chavalier called Remarkable Creatures.
I received an advanced copy from the website and am itching to read it. My bookclub is planning on reading it in Jan. I don't know if I will be able to wait. I plan on reading The Girl who Kicked the Hornest's Nest, the third book in The Millenium Series by Steig Larsson. I am reading the second one now - The Girl who Played with Fire. The only other book for sure on my list is The Vintage Caper by Peter Mayle. Looking forward to some great suggestions from here. I am also in two book clubs that meet about once a month so my list will grow from there.


message 3: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Oh good question! There can be some pressure in choosing the first book of the year. I'm headed out on a hunt in a used store this afternoon. Maybe I'll make that the specific thing to look for.

message 4: by Tori (new)

Tori | 217 comments I think I'm going to go with Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage by Liz Gilbert (Eat Pray Love) for my first choice. It comes out Jan. 5.

I can't wait to start the challenge over!!!!:)

message 5: by Leighann (new)

Leighann (zhelenstilo) I don't plan on choosing any particular book that I want to be the first for 2010. Whatever is next on my pile of library books at the time will end up being the first one. ^_^

message 6: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments I know what you mean. I'm looking forward to sorting some bookshelves. I kept this years books on three shelves in the order in which I read them. After the year end I can actually sort them!! ( OCD much...not me)

message 7: by Tiffany, Administrator (new)

Tiffany | 2060 comments Mod
About a month ago, I separated out 30-ish books I really want to read next year. Book #1 will be The Kid What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant. I kept looking for this in bookstores after I read (and loved) The Commitment Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family, but could never find it, so I finally broke down and ordered it from Amazon. I'm looking forward to January 1st! :)

message 8: by Kerry (new)

Kerry (knerp) I don't usually plan that far ahead. There's a whole collection of books I've bought that I plan to read as soon as possible. As soon as I finish one, I simply look to see which new piece grabs my attention. So we'll see what the future holds.

message 9: by Carolt (new)

Carolt | 9 comments I don't usually read Stephen King but I decided to read his new one. I think that's going to be my first one unless we chose an exciting one for our January book club. It's a long one so it will fill January and maybe beyond.

message 10: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (jb_slasher) My list basically consists of my bookshelf. I've neglected all the books I've bought for the past... five years? I decided that I'll read all the library books I've borrowed so far and try not to borrow more. I know it'll be hard but my books deserve love too, right? :)

message 11: by Pollopicu (last edited Nov 30, 2009 12:49AM) (new)

Pollopicu I plan on reading at least 45 classics and 5 friend recommendations for 2010.

I think my first book for 2010 is going to be Les Mis.

message 12: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments That sounds ambitious and fun. How do you define a classic?

message 13: by Pollopicu (new)

Pollopicu I refer to the collection of the Western Canon.

As you know I tried to put a good dent on that list in my 2009 challenge. I wasn't able to complete it since I started my challenge late in the game. So this year I'm going to start on January 1st with 45 from the same collection. It really is a lot of fun. I've had a blast reading most of the ones I chose. I even enjoyed reading the ones I didn't particularly like because it gave me a great sense of accomplishment. Plus I got to cross it off my list.

message 14: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Rachel wrote: "I refer to the collection of the Western Canon.

As you know I tried to put a good dent on that list in my 2009 challenge. I wasn't able to comple..."

Thanks for the link! I've never seen such a complete list. I'm going to have to print it off and have a go at seeing what I can cross off it.

I identify with the act of crossing something off of your list. That feeling of completion pays for itself.

message 15: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments All right after looking at that list I am relieved that I actually own some of those, and that I have actually read some others! ;)

That might be great fun to build from.

message 16: by Connie (last edited Nov 30, 2009 03:32PM) (new)

Connie Faull | 611 comments Well being incredibly anal, I put all my books that I have at home and on my Kindle onto a table on Word with columns for the name of the book and the date read. So I try to follow that list, however, I am constantly changing it. Recently I've gone through a phase of getting books from the library so I'm getting through those books and I have a couple that I've put a hold on and am on a wait list. I do, however, plan to read a couple of the Booker prize nominees next year (The Children's Book, Wolf Hall, The Little Stranger & possibly Summertime), and possibly the National Book award nominees in fiction (I've already read American Salvage). I will also read The Stand by Stephen King as well as his new one Under the Dome which I am on the wait list at the library for.

message 17: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments I was planning on doing the same thing with the Giller Prize winners and long list. I'm not 100% sure yet though.

message 18: by Pollopicu (last edited Nov 30, 2009 04:40PM) (new)

Pollopicu Tim wrote: "All right after looking at that list I am relieved that I actually own some of those, and that I have actually read some others! ;)
That might be great fun to build from."

Yes Tim! there are so many fun ways to approach Blooms list. There are also many other highly esteemed lists I like to consult as well (taking my classic's quite seriously).

Here are a few of my Favorite:



You might find this interesting too.

I'm not Blooms greatest fan, however I unbiasedly respect the list.

message 19: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Rachel wrote:"Yes Tim! there are so many fun ways to approach Blooms list. There are also many other highly esteemed lists I like to consult as well (taking my classic's quite seriously)."

Nothing wrong with that. I'm a completist (apparently there is no such word!) when it comes to things like of books. Having these lists to refer to is not slavish but referent.

I'm going to have some tea and have a read through your links.

message 20: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments At least I have 6 books from the Top 100 under my belt! I think filling this out might be my main goal for the year. It's a good list Rachel.

message 21: by Pollopicu (new)

Pollopicu I have a very long way to go. The list haunts me daily.

message 22: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Haha...turn your ghosts into achievements! Every time you walk over a hill tell yourself it was Everest ;)

message 23: by FromAna (new)

FromAna (fromanam) Rachel wrote: "I have a very long way to go. The list haunts me daily.


can't think of it that way
you have to take it one page at a time :)

message 24: by Pollopicu (new)

Pollopicu You mean one book at a time. lol

message 25: by FromAna (new)

FromAna (fromanam) Rachel wrote: "You mean one book at a time. lol"

some books look overhwhelming so no I really meant on page at a time :)

message 26: by Maggie (new)

Maggie | 394 comments My first book of 2010 will be Under the Dome by Stephen King

message 27: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Maggie wrote: "My first book of 2010 will be Under the Dome by Stephen King"

Big one to start with! Everyone seems to be talking about that book. I just finished a collection of stories last night based on a theme and the one story by Stephen King was the best of the lot! I was actually fairly surprised because I've never been a King fan.

message 28: by Pollopicu (new)

Pollopicu Ana wrote: "Rachel wrote: "You mean one book at a time. lol"

some books look overhwhelming so no I really meant on page at a time :)"

Book sizes don't intimidate me at all. If it's good it doesn't matter.

I think you got confused that I meant actual singular books instead the list of books-to-read that haunts me. So no, I didn't mean any particular book, just the long list of books I have on my 2010 wish-list. :)

message 29: by Lauli (new)

Lauli | 343 comments I think I will start with Death in Venice. I've been meaning to read it for a long time, so I'll give that one the first shot. I'm going to spend the New Year at the beach, so that's inspiring enough to read some great books.

message 30: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments I am toying with Ulysses by James Joyce...thanks to Rachel and her list! Hehe. I will have to go find a copy though.

message 31: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (thirteen_songbirds) | 2 comments Umm, I know I'll be reading the newest L.J. Smith book as soon as my friend is finished with it (I'll probably get it sometime after Christmas Break) and I'll be reading Fang by James Patterson as soon as I can get my hands on it. Other than that and whatever other series continuations come out next year, I just don't know. Probably another Jane Austen, at least one.

message 32: by Daphne (new)

Daphne (daphne2163) Probably finishing up The Complete Stories by Flannery O'Connor from my December reads. The first brand new book will probably be Wolf Hall as it is calling me from my Kindle with Jane Eyre being the next. Can't wait for all the goodreads waiting for me in 2010!

message 33: by Alexander (last edited Dec 03, 2009 11:30AM) (new)

Alexander (quercus) I think I'll begin with Lord of the Flies by Golding. I was told about the book quite a time ago and I even have a copy of it.
Though 2010: Odyssey Two seems to be more suitable for this thread:)

message 34: by Dr. Amiruddin (new)

Dr. Amiruddin Alauddin (enicom) | 1 comments List of books for 2010? No target set yet but as usual I will just read anything when I have the spare time.

message 35: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl I *just* joined this grop because I happen to have 50 books/goal for next year as it is. I do have a list started.

Par of my list making is because I tend to read book in a series and I want to make an effort to break them up a bit. I'm planning on doing the same thing with writers I like. I've only added 2 books to each month at this point (oh, I'm reading an art history book roughly 20-30 pages a month with the goal to finish it by the end of the year). I want to leave room for new books or what other friends or people here may offer up as well.

message 36: by Tim (last edited Dec 03, 2009 06:48PM) (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Cheryl wrote: "I *just* joined this grop because I happen to have 50 books/goal for next year as it is. I do have a list started.

Par of my list making is because I tend to read book in a series and I want to..."

Like the idea of breaking up the art history book. Is it a general overview? Or does it cover a specific period?

(Being colourblind I don't tend to appreciate art too much...except for Kandinsky) I'm sure you'll see a million books on here that you will want to read! You have great shelves.

message 37: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Alexander wrote: "I think I'll begin with Lord of the Flies by Golding. I was told about the book quite a time ago and I even have a copy of it.
Though 2010: Odyssey Two seems to be more suitable for this thread:)"

I was toying with the idea of adding Lord into my list for this year. I remember reading it in junior high school I think but it didn't make a huge impact on me. It's on a lot of "Best Books" lists though so I will have to give it a go at some point.

message 38: by Lisa (new)

Lisa I'm going to have to really devote the first couple of months to getting through my stack of books that need to be reviewed. Then I've joined a couple of challenges so I'll work around those (one for the Brontes, one for James Michener) and I've started a challenge based on the books seen in the Gilmore Girls that will actually allow me to work on my tbr pile and reread some childhood favs.

message 39: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl The art history book is specific to Astrology, magic, etc, in art. The best part is the way it lends itself to being able to read it bits at a time. At the moment, I'm in the section about planets, so Venus was first for a couple of pages, then Mars for for a couple. I enjoy the subjects of art history as well as magic, but it isn't something I can read like I could a novel.

Some friends and I are also going to read all of the top 100 banned books of the 20th century. In many cases, we've read them, but age and life puts a new appreciation on them. Our goal is to read one a month.

message 40: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Cheryl wrote: "Some friends and I are also going to read all of the top 100 banned books of the 20th century. In many cases, we've read them, but age and life puts a new appreciation on them. Our goal is to read one a month. " there a link to the list?

message 41: by Alexander (new)

Alexander (quercus) Tim wrote: " there a link to the list?"

There is one:

message 42: by Cheryl (new)


is the list we are using. When I first printed the list, I was feelig pretty good about all the items I'd read. In the end, I only read about 50%. Our first book will be Lolita. I'd never really wanted to read it, but it was the first one on the list I hadn't read that my local library has.

message 43: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Cheryl wrote: ""

Thanks Alexander and Cheryl! It seems like I might have picked up my wifes swine flu so I may have some time on my hands to read! ;)

message 44: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments A Hithchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

Who the heck would ban the Guide??

message 45: by Donna (last edited Dec 04, 2009 01:58PM) (new)

Donna (dfiggz) I am going to do an ABC title challenge and tie it into my 55 books for the year.

My Proposed ABC Challenge 2010:

# - 1984*
A -The Angel's Game
B- The Book of Lost Things*
C- Chronic City
D- The Desert Rose*
E- Eat, Pray, Love*
F- Fidali's Way*
G- Grundish and Askew*
H- Hard Times*
I- Ines of my Soul*
J- Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell*
K- The Kingdom of Ohio
L- Last Night on thee Twisted River*
M- Murder at the LIbrary of Congress
N- The Name of the Rose*
O- One Hundred Years of Solitude*
P- The Pillars of the Earth*
Q- Q Road
R- Rebel Angels*
S- Shogun*
T- Touching Earth*
U- Until I Find You*
V- Vile Bodies*
W- World War Z*
X- Xiblaba Gate: A Novel of the Ancient Maya
Y- The Yellow Lighted Book Shop
Z- Zipped

* books I already own

message 46: by Alexander (last edited Dec 04, 2009 02:50PM) (new)

Alexander (quercus) Tim wrote: "A Hithchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

Who the heck would ban the Guide??"

It was some school's ban because of "sex with aliens".
And for this:

"And then one day, nearly two-thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change..."

"Oolan Colluphid's blockbuster trilogy, 'Where God Went Wrong', 'Some More of God's Mistakes', and 'Who is this God Person, Anyway?'."

Or the bit about the Babel fish (dis)proving the existence of God. (by user Tichrimo from

Laurie (Kwiltreader) (lauriekwiltreader) First on my list is Three Cups of Tea for NF book club...and then The Blind Assassin for fiction...and of course, many more mysteries for mystery book club...
Looking for suggestions for our non-fiction book club that's not too long and not true crime. We've done several true crime this year but I don't think they will let me recommend any more for a while. (Did I mention that I love a mystery!! Which is why I always recommend true crime!! )

message 48: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Julie wrote: "Hello folks ,
I hope it's ok if I post in here . I just found and joined your group today,so am not really familiar with how things work or where to post my first time."

Welcome! The more the merrier.

message 49: by Tim (new)

Tim Weakley | 396 comments Done now...I think I am on 57 for the year but I've been hit with the flu so reading is beyond my floating head at the moment. Working on Heart of Darkness right now but it's very thick and full of essays.

message 50: by Molly (new)

Molly | 330 comments Laurie (Kwiltreader) wrote: "Looking for suggestions for our non-fiction book club that's not too long and not true crime..."

I love NF. I see that you enjoyed Larson's "Isaac's Storm" - you would probably like The Devil in the White City Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America - it has a serial killer paralleled with the incredible creation of the World's Fair in Chicago. And there is also The Monster of Florence - another serial killer, this time in Italy. But you said you wanted non-crime for your group. Hmmmm.

Tracy Kidder has a slew of goodies. I really enjoyed Among Schoolchildren andHouse.

For darker social issues stuff Jonathan Kozol will get you riled up and angry with the world - motivated to make a change - much like 3 Cups of Tea will. A prime example is Rachel and Her Children Homeless Families in America.

Flags of Our Fathers is incredible. The Perfect Storm A True Story of Men Against the Sea is intriguing. And Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is deliciously fun. Although it has true crime too.

The Architect of Desire Beauty and Danger in the Stanford White Family I found to be really interesting - and there were several levels to the book - part memoir, part history, part gossip fodder.

This I Believe The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women is a cool collection of essays from all walks of life - some funny, some sad - on all different subjects. I truly interesting project you and your group could even participate in if you were so moved.

Doris Kearns Goodwin has some big historical biographies but her memoir, Wait Till Next Year, is one of my all time favorites. I could go on and on about memoirs if you wanted recommendations for those.

And whether your group wants to read it or not, you should absolutely read In Cold Blood - it created the true crime genre and is the gold standard. But you've probably already read that one.

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