European Royalty discussion

History Group Reads > Feb. 1 - Mar. 1: Outlander

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message 1: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) | 181 comments Hey all! This month we're going to be reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Hope you all enjoy! Go pick yourself up a copy and we'll start reading this steamy romance/time-travel/historical fiction novel on February 1!

message 2: by April Ann (new)

April Ann (bloomer) | 83 comments I read this when it first came out! It will certainly make a nice re-read!

message 3: by Misfit (new)

Misfit | 696 comments Wondered what book was going to win. I read the Outlander series two years ago and loved loved loved them. I would have died waiting years between books to see what happened, and I'm very much ready for the next book to come out Echo in the Bone.

message 4: by April Ann (last edited Jan 22, 2009 04:38PM) (new)

April Ann (bloomer) | 83 comments Misfit it was tough waiting for the next books to come out! But sometimes I think it makes it more fun when it finally does!

I didn't know there was another one! Yippee!!!

message 5: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) | 181 comments I'm halfway through Dragonfly in Amber, but it's just not getting me the same way, I don't know why. Think I should push through?

message 6: by Misfit (new)

Misfit | 696 comments Now I loved Dragonfly, especially Jamie and Claire in France. Anything's worth it though to get to Voyager and the....well hell I can't say but you don't want to miss it.

message 7: by Misfit (new)

Misfit | 696 comments BTW, perhaps we can have a discussion for those who have read the other books so we don't give out spoilers? I'd love to talk about what "might be" in Echo in the Bone but I'd be blowing story line for those who haven't read so far.

message 8: by Sera (new)

Sera I'm so excited to read Outlander. I've heard so many great things about the series that I can't wait to experience it for myself.

message 9: by Mandy (new)

Mandy Moody | 544 comments I'm excited, too!
Good pick :)

message 10: by Samantha (new)

Samantha (samaranthine) | 6 comments Yay for Outlander!!! I have never read it but I own it, it's been calling to me on my bookshelf for two years!! I can't shut it up. I'm even more excited since I hear it's got its share of steamy romance. I love a good bodice-ripping time travel story. Hehehe

message 11: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) | 181 comments Here's the thing, I just read a lot of SKP and so I don't want it to end sadly and since I know there are more books with both of them, I know it CAN'T end sadly, but I feel like I'm reading slowly JUST IN CASE! :)

message 12: by Emily (new)

Emily (ohmagichour) | 181 comments By the way, I put a discussion thread for the outlander series down in Other Book Discussions - discuss with spoilers to your heart's content down there.

message 13: by Tisha (new)

Tisha | 72 comments This has been on my TBR list for a while, so it will be great to read it with you all. I have heard it's hard to put down once you start!

message 14: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments For those of you sad about Katherine losing (ha, quite a little race it was!), it will fit into the theme of the European Royalty read that will be starting nominations next week. I was tempted to mention that in the voting thread of this read, but I didn't want to influence how people voted (it was much too amusing seeing how it turned out naturally).

Looking forward to this book! I enjoy time travel stories.

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Emily wrote: "Hey all! This month we're going to be reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon..."

I'm new to the group. I was referred here as a place that was doing a BOM reading on Outlander. (I also like European Royalty past and present.) I had this in my to-read pile and was convinced to move it higher up the list as I added it to book challenges for this year. I wasn't planning on starting it yet as I have other books to read for Feb challanges but it seems like such an involved complicated book that I'd like to read it with a BOM discussion. So I'll be starting it this month but I will probably be behind everyone else since I havn't started it yet.

message 16: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments Welcome BriansGirl! I haven't started it yet either, so don't worry! I'm still working on The Far Pavilions, so it will be a couple of days until I get to Outlander. You can definitely still jump into the discussion once you start the book.

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Thanks Sara. I'm finishing a couple library books due now and have a few books to read for a Feb reading challenge on another group but wanted to start this with a BOM discussion group.

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