52 Books in 52 Weeks (2012) discussion

Reviews. > Week32. (4 - 10 August)

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message 1: by Ali (new)

Ali (alialghamdi) | 124 comments Mod
I'd love if you wrote RECOMENDED on the top of your reply to this thread whenever you have a book that you really liked! Thanks!

"In this thread, everyone will post their reviews/opinions of the book they have read this week AFTER you rate/review it on your page. The purpose of this is so everyone can see what you read this week and read your review without having to visit each profile. Some of you have their profiles locked, so this saves you the trouble of unlocking it.


The format will be like this:

Name of book.


n/5 stars.

"Your simple opinion/extended review/one word that expresses what you thought of the book. GO CRAZY! Anything counts. Don't feel pressured."

Link to your review.

Also, this allows us to be organized, so even if a member didn't log in for about a month, they can add the book they've read to the appropriate thread.



As I've mentioned in the guidelines, one word or a simple opinion counts as a 'review'. I only called it that because Goodreads calls it that."

Now let's see your achievements, awesome people.

message 2: by Ali (new)

Ali (alialghamdi) | 124 comments Mod
الذين لم يولدوا بعد
أحمد خيري العمري

الذين لم يولدوا بعد by أحمد خيري العمري

ما أقول إلا سبحان الله العلي العظيم! قريت الكتاب ولم أعلم أنه عن رمضان! وبدأته في ليلة رمضان للعالم 1433. أهي صدفة أم تيسير من ربٍ كريم؟

لا غبار على الكاتب ومتعة كتبه والدكتور العمري معروف بسلسلته عن الصلاة التي قد قرأتها ووضعت مراجعاتي لها هنا في هذا الموقع أيضًا.

تكلم الكاتب عن رمضان، كيف أن رمضان غير الشهور الثانية، كيف أن رمضان هو شهر الخير والصيام والطاعات والصلاة، كيف أن رمضان يجب أن يكون مفتاحًا لحياة مليئة بالسعادة والرضا. كيف أن رمضان يعلّم المرء كيف يعيش.

الكتاب من أجمل ما قرأت واللهم لك الحمد على تيسيره قبل رمضان.

message 3: by ɑƨħŵɑɡ ♥Team Magnus Damora FOREVER♥ (last edited Aug 08, 2012 02:03AM) (new)

ɑƨħŵɑɡ ♥Team Magnus Damora FOREVER♥ (unheard) | 62 comments RECOMMENDED
34. Shadow and Bone (The Grisha Trilogy, #1) by Leigh Bardugo
Book: Shadow and Bone
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia, Fantasy
Finished Date: 04.August.2012
Rating: ★★★★
Review: highly enjoyable!

≈ Shadow and Bone was one of those books I’ve seen everyone raving about lately. So, like any hyped book, you just gotta check it out…

The writing style is different and flows easily. Normally, with these kind of new-world books, I’d struggle with understanding the words and terms but this one was nice and well-explained. The books provides the story for the next book & I can’t wait to see how that will come out.

At first, I gave this a 5 stars but then I thought it wasn’t really a 5 stars book (I know some people might disagree). There’s still bit I could do without in the book (especially the middle part, where Alina is living in the Little Palace). So, it’s a 4 star from me. ≈

35. عائشة تنزل إلى العالم السفلي by بثينة العيسى
Book: عائشة تنزل إلى العالم السفلي
Author: بثينة العيسى
Genre: رواية
Finished Date: 04.August.2012
Rating: ★★★★
Review: مفعمة بالمشاعر...

≈ كنت سأعطي هذه الرواية 5 لكن النهاية المفتوحة لم تعجبني أبداً.. لستُ من محبيّ هذه الطريقة..

أحببت شخصيات الرواية، أحببت أسلوب بثينة العيسى العميق في الكتابة والذي ينم عن تمكن رائع وفكر مثقف وعميق.. لكنني لم أحبب الاستدلال ببعض الأساطير مثل إنانا وغيرها.. لكن اعتقد أن هذا موجه لجمهور أكثر ثقافةً مني..

أعجبني النمو في شخصية عائشة التي بدأ في الظهور في الفصول الأخيرة، كانت الكتابة فيهن جميلة جداً

قراءة رائعه وماتعة
قد أقرأ لبثينة العيسى مرة أخرى يوماً ما ≈

message 4: by M (new)

M Naser (modidoody) | 54 comments Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
by: Edger Allan Poe
amusing, i really recommend it for those who want to read a small good book!

message 5: by Sara (new)

Sara (sarasization) | 53 comments الذين لم يولدوا بعد by أحمد خيري العمري

الذين لم يولدوا بعد
أحمد خيري العمري

الكتاب يتحدث عن رمضان من زاوية أن رمضان ليس من أجل رمضان بل من أجل ما بعده. يحفزك لأن تستمر بالطاعات إلى ما بعد رمضان.

message 6: by Johara (new)

Johara Almogbel | 52 comments The Educated Ape and Other Wonders of the Worlds (Japanese Devil Fish Girl #3) The Educated Ape and Other Wonders of the Worlds by Robert Rankin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brilliant. I enjoyed this book so much I told everyone who passed me by that I enjoyed it, then forgot I'd done that and told them again. It was somewhat an ordeal for my family. But. That is neither here nor there.

This was it. The sort of book I've been searching for a while. The kind that you can read purely for the enjoyment of the thing, with a completely plausible alternate universe and madness and chaos and evil and battles to the death. (and, as a bonus, enough obvious sexual puns to leave you giggling like a sixth grader in that particular biology class.) It was like the auther had opened up his brain, stuffed it with the most ridiculous ideas, and came up with this gem of a plot. And did I mention? It's a mystery novel, to boot!

Besides which. I really, really liked Cameron Bell. And I like it when I like the main character. Darwin was a cute thing, too.

As it is, I had picked this up at random, so I just found out this is part of a series. There are MORE books like this. Terribly exciting. I'm off to buy the lot.

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