Karl Evener

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Max Nowaz
“He was planning to take my shape and marry you. Then he was going to kill your father and take over his business empire."
    "And you? What are your plans?"
    "I have no plans to kill your father.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

Donna Tartt
“small, everyday things can lift us out of despair. But nobody can do it for you. You’re the one who has to watch for the open door.”
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Cricket Rohman
“But I dog sit for those people. Once they notice he’s gone, they will ask me if I’ve seen him.”
“So what?”
“I pride myself in being an honest man. That’s what!”
Cricket Rohman, Wanted: An Honest Man

Carolyn M. Bowen
“He didn't want to give the cartel any time to persuade Emiliana into accepting a more enticing offer. He had reservations about her loyalty and feared she might make a deal without Elpidio's consent.”
Carolyn M. Bowen, Legacy of Shadows: An International Crime Thriller

Brian Selznick
“We are all cabinets of wonders.”
Brian Selznick, Wonderstruck

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