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Abhijit Naskar
“All of us are dumb, some less some more, So we must place people before rigidity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Gente Mente Adelante: Prejudice Conquered is World Conquered

Stephen        King
“She’d start to feel she was getting a handle on it, and then it would whop her flat all over again, from some new direction.”
Stephen King, Rose Madder

Stephen        King
“You’ve forgotten how people are, and what they talk about . . . if you ever knew to begin with.”
Stephen King, Rose Madder

“Some times, we are just not wise enough to identify
That whether we are carving our own self or destructing.”

year in books
217 books | 133 friends

Lacy Ni...
156 books | 41 friends

10 books | 58 friends

Sara Th...
25 books | 20 friends

194 books | 94 friends

Harlee ...
1 book | 46 friends

Casey A...
1 book | 204 friends

0 books | 13 friends

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