Meet Stacey O'Brien

Author: Stacey O'Brien
Book: Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl

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The New York Times bestselling memoir of a young biologist who rescues an abandoned baby barn owl and cares for him for nineteen years.

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Comments Showing 1-4 of 4

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Thebestdogmom Thanks for sharing your story and this great video. I fell in love with Wes and your story.

Kirsten Reay What a GREAT video! I loved your book, Stacey.

message 3: by Anna

Anna Mosca I'm really loving your book Stacey, I'm listening to the audio book, and it carries me through the days but what really struck me here on this short video is your beautiful life learning statement: "That is enough to have the ability to love, the things we use to define ourselves are false. The only thing that matters is that we are capable of giving love, and that is enough." Thank you so much for sharing this and may this be understood, with the heart, by many. Anna

message 4: by Chloe

Chloe I know he is gone but he entered my heart and mind. I wept when he flew into the cosmos. Last night. I am still weepy this morning. You found a soul mate. Some of us never do. Thank you

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