'Princess Sheeba'
Author: M.J. Croan
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This video production is a journey into the great Australian outback. Here you will meet the cast of main characters in my kids/young adult book 'Princess Sheeba.'
'Kaz' The Wise One, Sheeba, Little Beth, Big Red, and Aunt Gerty.
Available as an amazon Kindle edition only: http://amzn.com/1449535410…more
'Kaz' The Wise One, Sheeba, Little Beth, Big Red, and Aunt Gerty.
Available as an amazon Kindle edition only: http://amzn.com/1449535410…more
adopt, after-lion-king, amazon-kindle, animals, audtralia, australian-bush, children, dingo, dingo-s, educational, exciting, favourites, funny, jackaroo, kangaroo, kangaroos, kids, kookaburra, must-read, nature-outdoors, outback, outcast, popular, puppy, sad, school, surrogate, and young-adultComments Showing 1-3 of 3
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message 1:
Jul 02, 2010 03:36PM
See also my Authors Show interview with Don McCauley for 'Right hand Up To God.'
My heart melted... You are a great talent, and the story is not only right up my alley - it is a magnificent story, and I can't thank you enough, for sharing it here.
You are an excellent writer, and I can't wait to see this published, so I could have your book in my home.
Sheeba is a true princess - and deserves the best. Johanna Kern.
(Johanna Kern - writer, director and producer. Most noted for her recent movie ‘Shadowland.’)
My heart melted... You are a great talent, and the story is not only right up my alley - it is a magnificent story, and I can't thank you enough, for sharing it here.
You are an excellent writer, and I can't wait to see this published, so I could have your book in my home.
Sheeba is a true princess - and deserves the best. Johanna Kern.
(Johanna Kern - writer, director and producer. Most noted for her recent movie ‘Shadowland.’)