High & Low Movie Show
Hey, you like movies, don’t ya? We love movies. That’s why we pit them against each other in brutal competition! Welcome to High & Low Movie Show, the podcast that compares two movies connected by a theme, one of them a “high” and the other a “low”, whatever that means. After many bits and much banter, only one comes out on top to reign supreme. Join Luke, Mitchell, and Vonn as they explore movies of every stripe: blockbusters, classics, offbrand knockoffs, inexplicable curios, and more. There’s no corner of the film world they won’t explore. If you want to revisit old favourites, discover new movies, and have a laugh along the way, this podcast is for you.
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High & Low Movie Show
Latest Episodes
Cabaret (1972) - Fräuleins, Fascists, and Fosse (Part 1)

Judge Dredd (1995) - Mega City Fun (Part 2)

Dredd (2012) - Mega City Fun (Part 1)

Pleasantville (1998) - Drama in Americana (Part 2)