I can't recommend this film nearly as much as I could recommend Waste Land or Exit Through the Gift Shop, but Beautiful Losers does occasionally have it's moments of merit. The running story of support that each member of this wide artistic circle should be commended. Without the constant support system, this sliver of the art world would have come and gone without much notice at all.
But really, that's mostly what I enjoyed about this film. I don't really care about self aggrandizement on such a large scale, especially when the people in question are ( with the exception of one artist) still very much alive and still very, very young. Most of the artists in the film are approaching their forties.
These artists are also very lucky to be alive at this time. It appears that everyone was filming themselves, even before making their own art scene, so this documentary is rife with footage of every artist from young kids to adults dressed up as kids.
Ho-hum...there's better films about artists and their respective scenes.