George Pravda का जन्म 19 जून 1916 को हुआ था।George Pravda एक अभिनेता थे, जो थंडरबॉल (1965), Firefox (1982) और Holocaust (1978) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 30 अप्रैल 1985 को हुई थी।
He acted in George Bernard Shaw's play, "The Doctor's Dilemma," at the Theatre Royal Haymarket in London, England with Wilfrid Hyde White, Brian Bedford, Anna Massey, Nicholas Courtney, James Donald, Liam Redmond, Moray Watson, Peter Howell, Daniel Thorndike, and Philip Grout in the cast. Donald McWhinnie was director.