Anonymous pornographer "Simon L. Egree" named himself after a famous literary villain but his films are tame. LOVE LIES WAITING merely covers the same ground he already trod in LOVE FOR SALE.
Cyndee Summers, looking mighty fine, runs a brothel with 3 gals on the payroll. They service some customers, with a little comic relief thrown in, and that's it. Instead of cracking the whip, this Simon merely delivered the minimum requirement, 60 minutes of explicit sex.
Jon Roy Jones plays an uppity customer, who criticizes Brigitte Maier's stock porn patter and insists on anal sex, which she fails to deliver. Ric Lutze is all effeminate here, putting on a whimpering voice and dressing in Dalana BIssonnette's underwear when he humps her. He also pretends that she is doing the thrusting and that he is on the receiving end. Ric improvises a lot and brings reality into the proceedings by forgetting his leather jacket and doing sloppy bits of business.
Orita de Chadwick is the third prostie, putting Redi-Whip on the cock of a first-time john. Cyndee also gets in on the action and the film climaxes with 2 gals doing a lesbian sex show for the boys, which turns into a mini-orgy. The men have to go home to their wives and a particularly phony slice of life comes to an end.
Then as today with thousands of gonzo filler videos, this one was made to self-destruct and only survives decades later by happenstance, with zero lasting value.