Shock Asylum is a black and white twisted dark comedy short co-directed by Dan Dinello & Paul Dinello (Uncle & Nephew). The film follows patient Mr. Gaxton who arrives at Phrenia State Hospital for a routine psychological exam required by his corporate employer. A brief examination by a mad psychiatrist (Stephen Colbert) finds Mr. Gaxton to be "angry & uncooperative." It leads to series of therapies that includes shock therapy and some other surprises - all in the name of "trying to help you." Colbert and Dinello are hilarious - they made this before Strangers With Candy & the Colbert Report, while working in Chicago at 2nd City. The video is only available from on a compilation that includes Beyond the Door (Colbert & Dinello) & Wheels of Fury (Dinello & Sedaris), both of which are also hilarious.