I Recently sat down to watch The Book of Daniel to see what all this fuss was around it. I heard tons of rumours. The hardcore conservative church ladies were calling it " a wrongful display of Jesus" which surprises me because the menopause oppressed crazy women haven't even seen the show yet.
Could this show be as wrong and crude display as people have expressed. Well...no, these people are just so stuck to their original upbringings to even open up their eyes to something a little new. Besides that the show is actually respecting the entire Christian faith.
Back to the matter at hand. I watched it and found one of the most amazing witty dramas on television. It depicts the modern world in such a perfect way. It includes everything, homosexuals, alcholics, drug dealers, SUPER conservative CHristians, Liberal, anything. Its paced perfectly. The show keeps moving, taking different directions. Its a lot better than the over rated Desperate Housewives.
My Opinion: Don't listen to what other people say. That includes you Christians. No one should be offended by this, if so i think they're just a little tight.