I'll keep this review pretty informal. I just want to let fellow 'TPB' fans know that this movie is yet another great addition to the series.
Trailer Park Boys is easily in my top three shows ever made so naturally, I was really looking forward to this film. Thankfully, 'Countdown to Liquor Day' did not let me down!
To be completely honest, I wasn't too sure how I felt about this movie when I first saw it. As you'll find out, there are some changes made to Sunnyvale, and once again, Cory and Trevor were absent. It seems they'll never be back, but at least this movie didn't continue focus on Jacob and the twiggy alien Trevor's. They were good characters, but they just didn't compare to Cory and the Trevster. Anyways, after watching the movie a few more times, everything started to sink in and I began to spot all the hilarious little details that are always included in the series. This movie has just about everything I wanted in a new 'TPB' movie and because of that, I couldn't be happier. Number one, this movie feels like one long episode with some extra budget and craziness thrown in, and number two or three or whatever number we're on, Ricky hits us with some amazing new Rickyisms. Randy, Lahey, and the boys are in top form here as usual and it makes for an excellent film!
I really liked 'The Big Dirty', so with 'Countdown..', I was hoping that worst case in Ontario, it would be at least as good as the former. I feel it definitely surpassed 'TBD' and that's all I could ever ask for.