Movies of this type have taken a nose dive in quality recently. However this one is very watchable.
Some random thoughts:
The movie is shot in a very sterile way. Meaning there is no real sense that the movie takes place in real life but more of a bubble the characters live in by themselves.
The set design is visually beautiful at times. The color palette of the movie is vivid basic colors with simple sets that often look more like art than real life. It makes for a beautiful movie but...see comment above.
Too much circular panning for me.
(I mention these three things first because they, more than the characters or story, are what stood out the most watching the movie.)
The writing is good enough. Nothing crazy here and no overall message the writers/director is trying to push on the audience (so refreshing).
The plot is basic with the only twist being the two main characters having significant confidence issues towards their love lives (it's what makes the plot go). It's hard to believe these characters would have the same issues in real life (who knows maybe they would) but the actors do a decent enough job of selling their personal issues so you can buy into the story.
Overall a good watch if you like these kinds of movies.