This is a definitive bad movie that I couldn't look away from. It is a massive train wreck, but it is a train filled with sex toys and fireworks! Nothing in this movie works, but it's put together so that everything in this movie works. I'm talking the script, the acting, the sound effects, the tacky music they threw in. It's all bad.
Everyone had swords when clearly it would've worked for one or two people to carry them. I get the need for them because samurai is in the title, but they probably still could've made it work with far less. That everybody had swords and guns made nobody special or unique.
They tried really hard to put walking sounds into the movie. I don't know if it's just something I noticed, but it was even to the point that they were walking on carpet and the sound effects of them walking on concrete was being used. There were so many examples of bad audio that made the movie so much better that I am truly grateful for.
"I almost died, but I'm not dead yet." That's an actual quote from this movie. And that's not the worst piece of dialogue you'll find here. An antidote conundrum leading to this classic quote is unforgettable. There is so much more that make this movie so much worse. I have no doubt this is like one of those movies that you could watch again and find things you missed to make it even better than it was the first time. Only if you watch Snow White and the Seven Samurai again you will find to make it worse.