I want to throw around terms like farce and absurdist, but I'm no expert. I do remember enough from college lit to think that this film is kinda both of those.
It's a real gem, in any case, if you can tear yourself away from the expectations that Hollywood blockbusters have produced in us as viewers and that particular kind of suspense of disbelief. It has a plot, and it has some moral aspirations, but that's not the point.
It is almost the antithesis of 'great drama'. It's deliriously anarchist in perspective, anarchic in execution, and wonderfully well executed at that. The cast is fantastic - I especially loved Paulino Nunes and Anna Ferguson. Paul Sun-Hyung Lee's performance (Kim's Convenience) was a revelation. Mark O'Brien is *always* fun to watch, and was maybe the lynchpin here. I'm not familiar with the other actors in the film, but was really happy with their performances in each of their roles :)
This is a glorious dark comedy!
We giggled all the way through this film - it was a delight! I'll watch it again, once I can find it :)