I think that 5 is the right score for this movie. It reminds me of late night B movies from the 90s. You don't go into it expecting life changing performances and deep commentary. It's just fun, mindless entertainment to enjoy some popcorn with.
The big negative I will give it is the horrendous dialogue. I almost hope that the screenwriter intentionally wrote the dialogue as they did in order to simulate the B movie, made for tv style that the film was obviously going for, because the actors certainly did not have much to work with. People don't talk like that.
I will also say that in the era of streaming services where you have unlimited options for something to throw on when you're bored, you probably have better options. Still, I found it fun and enjoyable and I'm glad I watched it even though I probably will never watch it again. As a child of the 80s, it gave me a bit of nostalgia, some eye candy and a fun 90 minutes of sex appeal, drugs and violence.
If you're in the mood for that type of flick then give it a watch. If you're looking for better dialogue and something that doesn't try to feel like a budget, made for tv movie from the early 90s then you want to pass.