Director Willy Adkins brings us "The Greenies," a thrilling short film. When two adventurous, bored teenagers venture into the woods in search of the local legend known as the Greenies, they soon realize that the truth is far more terrifying than the myth itself. Despite its short 10-minute duration, "The Greenies" plays out like a full-length movie, thanks to its two young leads who impressively convey their characters' emotions through a well-written script. The film's beautifully photographed forest scenes create an atmosphere of fear, making you believe that these Greenies could appear at any moment. The carefully lensed action immediately draws you in. The climax is riveting, and watch closely for a cameo by filmmaker Derek Braasch, who leaves a lasting impression. This performance has us eagerly calling his agent for a lead role in our next feature. Make sure to stay for a cool after-credits scene. "The Greenies" is highly recommended for its all-around entertainment, and with a runtime of just 10 minutes, it's a must-watch. Directed by Willy Adkins and starring Patrick Mallin, Katelyn Lane, Mykal Rodriguez, Lily Tomei, and Derek Braasch.