Found this show by accident and thought at first it was some parody of Pawn Stars but after watching 4 or 5 episodes I have come to some firm opinions. First, if ever a show perpetuated stereotypes, it's this one. From the sneering, low ball price offering Jewish money lender who "just want to help every one out if I could" (the father) to the "look at me, I'm tough when I stand behind my burly bodyguards and flex my mini-muscles while I imitate Daddy's sneer (the son) to the whining, screech-voiced princess of a daughter who, by the way, should probably spend more time pushing herself away from the table, and less time proclaiming how much she and her brood of Harpy's " care about the people". I'm still not convinced that everything that happens in that zoo isn't at least slightly enhanced for the cameras. That being said, I thank my lucky stars I've never had to deal with anyone like this group and I'm sure glad I don't live in Detroit but anyone who buys the crap this bunch is selling and thinks this is compelling TV would probably shop there. God forbid.!!