Psychose II (1983)
It's a wonderful sequel to Hitchcock's masterpeice!
17 April 2001
Psycho II is a great horror sequel. Not only is it entertaining, it has many wonderful twists and turns through out which make it even more enjoyable. Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, Robert Loggia and Meg Tilly are all great and turn in very good performances. Vera Miles turns in a very eccentric performance, it shows how much she hates Norman. Anthony Perkins makes the viewer feel sorry for him as he slowly becomes confused again. Meg Tilly has a lot of charm and Robert Loggia is very good as the very caring Doctor. It's a well done thrill- ride, highly entertaining and full of suspense, thanks to director Franklin. Well done to every one involved. I think this is the best Psycho sequel. I love it a lot! You'd think that as it is the sequel to the classic Psycho, it would suck, it does not!

My personal rating: 10 out of 10.
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