"Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta"
12 February 2004
You'll be wearing' your "Oh Face" after viewing OFFICE SPACE.

This one goes out to everybody who dies a daily death in a "cube", and I think you all know who your are. You can't wait to get out at lunch, head over to some assembly-line crap-food franchise like "Chotchkie's" for some extreme fajitas, and try to make it back in time before the Bill Lumberghs of the house bust your chops for taking too long of a lunch. MMMM-KAAAYYYY! This movie even made "gangsta' rap" listenable, which I thought would never be possible.

Best Scene: Peter dreaming an oiled-up Lumbergh having sex with Joanna, and pausing for a quick gulp from his coffee mug.

Mr. Judge (and 20th Century Fox), I'm still holding my red stapler here, hoping in vain that you'll finally release this on a special edition DVD. Please include the 1991 short on it as well, WHEN you do.

This is the funniest movie of the last ten years, but of course, it failed commercially, and Mike Judge will probably never do another live action film because of that. So thank you America for supporting crap like THE HAUNTING, MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, and WILD, WILD WEST back in '99, and letting OS die at the box office.
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