If you count how many screens I've seen it on........
13 July 1999
If you count the number of screens I've seen it on 4, you see at the premier. they had 3 screens showing it and on opening day just one big one. Any way being one of the few that could stand to see this film twice I've decided to complement a certain aspect of it. Now, I stick with my position on actors being only as good as their directors lead. But one actress in my mind stands out of this horror show as a beautiful beam of light an angel in the guise of evil. The inspiring beauty known to us as Linsey Shupe. I just have to compliment her small although significant dent on this movie's shallow back. Again I saw bravo to the wonder of this sheer goddess of film and stage. By far the best moments to watch in the film. I just had one small question how did the casting agents find, and the budget afford the wicked witch of the west to come out of a long hiatus for this shoty piece of trash?(fenix's mother)
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