Review of 100 Girls

100 Girls (2000)
2nd Time Around
14 June 2003
I had to scan the imdb for other users who realized this was the exact same movie as Eight Days A Week, to make sure I was not inadvertently plagiarizing someone else's comment. Several others commenting on the imdb noticed the same thing.

The screen writer of this movie made good use of his work...he used the same screen play twice! Take one movie you made, but change the character from a high school student to a college one, use the same voice over technique, use the same dialogue but change some of it around and have a thesaurus handy, even add a friend who is obsessed with doing odd things to his genitalia and voicing his perspectives regarding women, and what do you get? Two teen/young adult movies for the work of one!

I found both movies enjoyable though. So I am not necessarily criticizing his work. Heck, I might be even a little jealous that he was able to sale the same screen play twice. I guess we all have done it at one time or another...take some work for school or work and use it as a template for some other work without being very original the second time around. But again, I more or less liked the movie, or both, movies, which is really the same movie. Yikes!!! What does that say about me?
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