Un-entertaining comedy trash that tries to deliver its punch-lines below the belt.
16 October 2001
I was astounded that a film like this was even made. The premise for this film would have been mildly amusing for a four-minute laugh on 'FULL FRONTAL' or something like that... but a full-length theatrical release?

For those of you who don't know who Christopher Skase is, he was a notorious corporate criminal who embezzled a great deal of money from a company in Australia named Qintex that filed for bankruptcy, and then fled to the island of Majorca in Spain. His crimes were overshadowed by the fact that the Australian government and his pursuing creditors couldn't get their hands on him due to the fact that Australia does not share an extradition treaty with Spain, and every time Australia came 'so close' to getting him back, Christopher Skase would have some sort of a 'medical emergency' at the last minute which would deem it unsafe to his health to have him removed from Majorca. He is probably known as one of Australia's most infamous criminals who didn't actually kill or endanger anyone, and his case was dogged by the Australian media for nearly 10 years, right up to his death earlier this year that came as a result of his battle with terminal Cancer.

Even after his death, his name is still ridiculed and most Australians find some sort of humor in it, some skeptics even believing that his death was an elaborate hoax.

'LET'S GET SKASE' was apparently in production and on the drawing boards long before Christopher Skase died, and it is apparent that his death has not affected the release of this film in any way whatsoever -which is really inappropriate because the premise of the film is based on a 'search and retrieve' mission to bring him back to Australia, the subject of the film having passed away this year.

It's almost like making a movie on someone like Elvis Presley... a cherished musician who has been long deceased - it just doesn't make any sense.

'LET'S GET SKASE' wants to be a satirical film that looks at Skase as someone who is like Dr. Evil from the AUSTIN POWERS films. He entertains lavishly, surrounded by bodyguards while pretending to be wheelchair-bound and in need of an oxygen tank. It certainly sounds funny. Back in Australia, a fast-talking con man sees the opportunity to reap gold from the situation. Financially backed by the creditors, he hires a group of misfits to head to Spain and kidnap Skase. Alex Dimitriades plays Danny D'amato Jr, the son of the creditor chairman in charge of the operation. He hires a sleazy television host, Eric Carney, played by Craig McLachlan, who is secretly hatching a plot of his own to kidnap Skase.

When D'amato Jr. finds out what Carney is up to, it becomes a race to see who can kidnap Skase first. D'amato Jr. forms his own 'team' of bumbling goof balls portrayed by Adam Haddrick, Torquil Neilson, Bill Kerr and Nick Shepard. Of course, there is a bigger sub-plot to all of this garbage so far... Christopher Skase has been scheming all along to resurrect his business empire... across Europe! I thought I could picture him with his baby finger in his mouth, holding the U.S. President and the world at ransom for one million dollars.

I am certainly not a Christopher Skase sympathizer in any respect. For a fact, I laughed at him in the 10 years or so that he was still alive. He was often the brunt of many jokes between myself and friends, and my ears always perked up whenever I heard his name on the news. Countless skits and gags were acted out on comedy shows like 'FAST FORWARD' and 'FULL FRONTAL' and yes, I found them to be riotous.

I just didn't find anything amusing about this movie. If he were still alive, I might have found something funny about this film, but due to the fact that in real life he has passed away, this movie can't possibly try to be serious... it can only be deemed as a comedy. And in that regard alone, I did not find anything particularly funny about the movie in itself. The acting wasn't awful... it was kind of like being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just felt that the actors involved should have been displaying their talents in something much more worthy than this trash.

While this 'Australian gem' is not as evil as other recently released inane pap such as "MULLET" and "WELCOME TO WOOP WOOP", this movie certainly should have gone straight to video or another place that has four letters in it and starts with 'H'.

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