Quatretondeta (2016)
Nostalgic and agreeable black comedy about an elderly man, José Sacristán, who once again proves to be one of the best actors in the world.
14 September 2024
Old Tomas' (José Sacristán) wife has died, but he won't let him bury her where she would like because the family of the deceased claims the body in Paris. Tomas then decides to steal the body to bury it in Quatrotondeta, a small town in the interior of Alicante, as he promised his beloved wife. However, the old man doesn't remember the way and gets lost. But then the estranged daughter (Laia Marull) shows up, wanting to take the corpse from the mortuary run by undertaker Iñaki (Julián Villagrán) to the foreign country where she lives. Also a somewhat crazy role suddenly appears: a village cattle breeder called Genovés (Sergi López) whose father has also died, mistaking Tomás for an undertaker's employee and demanding that his father's corpse be transported in the coffin of his deceased mother. Tomás and other strange characters he has just met are the object of a crazy chase. This is when entertainment and amusement begins in the middle of the region's festivities, in which Tomás, along with some peculiar adventure companions such as Genovés and Iñaki , will fight to recover the same thing: a corpse.

Quatretondeta(2016) is an endearing and attractive Dramedy in which director debutant Pol Rodríguez manages to create a story full of nostalgia , good feeling , black humor and along the way , intelligently mixing comedy and drama without ever falling into affectation , falsehood or atificiality. The story is a drama with elements of comedy, but at no point is it intended to tell us a very harsh story, but rather to make the viewer forget the death of Tomás's wife and tell us some black humorous situations, starting with the theft of the deceased's body and the protagonist's adventures to be able to bury his wife in Quatretondeta.

Pol Rodríguez, best known for his work as assistant director to Marc Recha, Agustí Vila, Claudio Llosa and Agustí Villaronga in "Pa Negre" makes his first directorial debut in ¨Quatretondeta¨, and has an experienced cast headed by the renowned and veteran actor Sacristán. The winner of three Goyas, Laia Marull, works again with Rodríguez after the critical and award-winning success they had in "Pa Negro". In the film excels the colorful cinematography by cameraman Carlos Gusi , shot on location in Quatretondeta, Alicante, Comunitat Valenciana, Cocentaina, Alacant, Comunitat Valenciana, La Vila Joisa, Alacant, Bocairent, València, Comunitat Valenciana, and Alcoi, Alicante. Standing out is the spectacular parade of the Moors and Christians festival of Alcoi, in which our same protagonists: José Sacristán, Laia Marill, Julián Villagrán parading with the typical costumes of the Muslim.

Quatretondeta (2016) results to be a hot homage to a great actor , Jose Sacristán playing Tomás, who when his wife passed away, steals the corpse to be able to bury it in Quatretondeta, a little village in the region of Alicante, as his wife had wanted. Sacristán is a great Spanish player with a long career, about forty years , in which he has been playing all kind roles . As José Sacristán was born in 1937 , Chinchón, Madrid . He is an magnificent actor and occasionally director, especially known for Un Lugar en Mundo (1992), Éste Es Mi barrio (1996) and El Viaje a Ninguna Parte (1986). He is married to also actress Leonor Benedetto. Other important films he performed are the following: Un Hombre Llamado Flor de Otoño , Niñas.. al Salón , Reina Zanahoria , Acto Posesión , Asignatura Pendiente , Hasta Matrimonio Nos Separe and Parranda . Furthermore , Sacristan directed three acceptable films : 1977 Yo Bajo en la Próxima, ¿y Usted? , 1987 Cara Acelga and 1983 Soldados De Plomo .

Quatretondeta (2016) film won the Silver Biznaga for best photography to Carles Gusi at the 19th edition of the Malaga Festival in 2016 and 2016 Nominee Golden Biznaga Best Film, Pol Rodríguez.
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