A rare find in romantic comedy
30 March 2006
I don't know how any one could reduce the characters in this film to, 'shallow' or 'board'. This was a rare film in the romantic comedy genre which didn't follow the tired old formulas. Yet it still has a classic feel to it (great music and a beautiful aesthetic). It is a story about the validity of sexual experimentation. Some people may feel like we are born one way or the other and if we are unsure, or perhaps want to experiment then we are 'stupid' or 'frivoulous' those assumptions are what this movie is trying to combat. It isn't about being gay or straight, it's about opening up yourself to possibilities whether they are fruitful in the end or not, the experience alone can make you a better, more compassionate person, who knows what it is to be honestly seeking happiness in whatever form it may come. Bravo to the two writers and actresses in this film, it is one of the rare film's that I have enjoyed from start to finish and one that I can watch over and over and continually take joy in.

I believe no movie is right for everyone, some people won't take from this film what I have. I recommend this film mainly to women from 18 to 35, straight, gay or bi. Men don't seem to be able to connect to this film on the level that women seem to, also it's politics and presumptions may be too radical for conservatives and too conservative for radicals. If you didn't like it that's okay, but its themes will speak to many people. Well written, acted, and directed.
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