Tim Dutton and 'SHHH'
15 June 2006
I saw 'Weekend Da Suicidio' (original title 'Dead By Monday' a few years ago in Alassio, Italy with my Italian partner, who had to do some translation for me during the film of this wonderful dark comedy of two people who try to commit suicide. On the poster in front of the cinema, of this for me unknown film, I discovered the name of the great Canadian stage actor Donald Carrier whom I have seen at the Stratford Festival several times. Therefore, I had to go and see this film. And I wasn't disappointed. Although Donald Carrier had only a small part, I was thrilled to discover British actor Tim Dutton whom I have briefly admired in 'Ally McBeal'. And it was wonderful to see my hometown Toronto in a European Indie film. After the film I asked myself why is Tim Dutton not a star? He looks a bit like Hugh Grant, but more manly. Probably his agent is as blind to his talent as the one in the film, when she dumps Alex (Tim Dutton) when he does not succeed with his second novel. I can't even find his picture on the IMDb.com. I was happy to see the film finally on screen in Toronto, after I read a great review in the 'The National Post' by Chris Knight. The only criticism of 'Dead By Monday' might be that the great humour sometimes does not come out of the characters, but was just a very clever, funny line. And there are very many clever funny lines indeed. 'Dead By Monday' is a very unique comedy, well directed and with wonderful actors...and last but not least, three songs of one of my favorite CD's of Chumbawamba's little known album 'SHHH'.
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