Review of Les moineaux

Les moineaux (1926)
excellent - a commentary on the social conditions of the old days.
27 June 2006
I enjoyed this silent? movie.. Maybe they should bought back, but only with quality soft music - most of todays does not count, is far too loud and empty.

In fact, this "Sparrows" movie would be nice, if very controversial, in todays "politically correct" atmosphere.. Especially sad was the passing of the baby, yet it was done so well that the tears shed would not be excessive.. I was hoping that the alligators would be punished with Grimes as a meal - that would be today's way, then I thought that the nasty old dog would be caught by the gators...

Who to replace a irreplaceable Mary Pickford ? I can think of no-one...The Mona Lisa cannot be replaced either..
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