Nice kids film
31 August 2006
Hi, this is a animated remake of the classic 60s and 70s German TV Series "Augsburger Puppenkiste".

I went with a my kids and a bunch of others (four girls aged seven and two boys aged ten). The seven year olds liked it, mainly because of the slapstick humour. The ten year olds thought it was a bit slow, not enough excitement for them. The cinema was full of little kids though and there was a lot of laughing going on.

The characters are true to their original characters. They behave the same way and have the same speech impediments. The storyline is exactly the same as the old one. Nothing new here. The animation was OK, but they weren't trying to do anything special with it, just entertain kids.

Worth taking the kids to on a rainy Saturday afternoon, but I wouldn't go if I was an adult.
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