touching in every level
11 October 2006
The movie is different from all the other Hollywood movies in an extremely beautiful way. It makes you love life and realize that bad things happen to all, even a sweet and innocent girl, but life goes on and for the sake of the loved ones that you lost you must go on and live life to the fullest. The movie was very touching, made me cry, yet the unexpected funny parts made it more real and natural. I loved all the characters, the script and the ending...the ending couldn't have been written any better. Although there isn't much action in the movie, it passed by so fast. The audience is constatnly being surprised by an addition of a new plot...ex: the police officers life, the liquir stores owners life, the life of Muriel's daughter and the teenager's parents. All these characters had lost something great, but they all live life because they have each other, because they have sholders to cry on, because they have one another to lean on, or simply because they have to be strong for the others. LOVED IT! LOVED IT! LOVED IT! Hollywood is long overdue for a movie like this.
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