Extremely Average WIP Crap-Fest...
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of WIP films. There's only been a few that I've seen that have been notable at all (the super-sleazy "roughie" DOMINATION BLUE, and this director's BARE BEHIND BARS are the only two that come readily to mind...) and this ain't one of 'em. It's the same ol' thing with this mind-numbingly retarded nude-fest...

A ring of sleazy slave-traders keep girls locked up in a shack that looks like something out of Gilligan's Island in order to sell them to wealthy customers. Of course there's the obligatory escape attempts and some attempt at an actual "story" as there's some double-crossing between the main slave-trader and his girlfriend...

Yeah - there's plenty of nudity (which is never a bad thing), but nothing else really makes this one notable at all. The violence is stupid, with gunshots and stab-wounds that cause no blood to flow - this is truly a cheaply made mess that will only appeal to serious fans of the genre. The only things (other than the nude broads) that were entertaining at all were the over-acted performances from the friz-haired, caterpillar-mustachioed head-slave wrangler and the gay Satanic priest - they were a trip to look watch. If you're interested in this director's WIP work, go straight for BARE BEHIND BARS and skip this one. At least there's some hardcore sex in that entry and some cheezy violence at the end...4/10
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