Review of Euphorie

Euphorie (2006)
Expressive, interesting debut
24 December 2006
"Eyforiya" is a very expressive film from cinematographic point of view.With its simple story and strategic composition of image and sound it reminds me of Sokurov's debut feature film "Lonely man's voice(Odinokiy golos cheloveka)". As Sokurov's film, here we notice poetic composition based on associations and "ostranenie"(enstrangement)of ordinary life. Also one can say about symbolic use of Elements of Nature(Sun,Water,Clouds)which can be observed in such Russian art films as "The Mirror(Zerkalo)" and "Return(Vozvrashcheniye)"

But here the total absence of religious motives and exposure of cultural and material poverty of Russian provincial village made it unique. We feel shocked by abrupt changes of different modes:from poetic one to ordinary,even banal one. Or the reverse movement. And this gap is even emphasized by music.

I think, in this ironic play with two contrary different modes is the director's original contribution to Russian poetic school.
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