Rintintin (1954–1959)
Rusty, my hero and alter ego
25 August 2007
This show kept this little kid riveted to the lounge room in the mid 60s after which I would go and play with my 'Timpo Toys' miniature cavalry soldiers. Most memorable aspects of the show for me was how lucky Rusty was to be in the cavalry at his age (mine too) and that bugle call that was played whenever the cavalry, led by Rip and Biff, were coming over the hill to save the day. I used to mimic that bugle call with my toys and drive my mother nuts. Only disappointing thing was that Rusty never carried a gun, although I seem to remember that he did get his hands on one in one episode. Does anybody else remember that? Rusty the orphan found his family in the paternal Lt Rip Masters, the avuncular Sgt Biff O'Hara and the fraternal Cpl Boone (don't know if I ever heard his first name). The show was notable for its dearth of female characters. I would like to hear Quentin Tarantino's comments about that. As a catholic schoolboy I always half expected the nuns to arrive in a wagon one day and try to cart Rusty off to an orphanage. I actually used to pray that that would never happen
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