Black Moon (1975)
Perchance to nod-off and dream.
11 September 2007
This movie is a version of the Alice in Wonderland story about a young innocent who finds herself in a world of odd characters and behaviors. It did not have a clear A to Z story line that I could follow. It seemed to me that it's just what's happening at the moment that matters. It is best viewed as a dream or even madness; this way, when nothing makes sense (and it never does), you have a logical explanation.

I was balanced precariously on the edge of consciousness while watching this thing; slipping in and out momentarily at times. However, half way through, I managed to stay focused. I have to confess though that the piano scene threatened to send me under again.

Finally, I couldn't say that I liked this movie, but at the same time I couldn't say I particularly disliked it either (I would have slept thru the whole thing if I did). so I'm giving it a "middle-score" of 5 stars. If you are into films that are offbeat, quirky, symbolic, -then who knows? This one might be to your taste. The rest of you-- well, you might want to save this movie for a sleepless night. Your "secret weapon", as it were. If nothing else gets you, the piano scene towards the end will deliver the knockout punch you need. Guaranteed! Happy dreams! Love, boloxxxi.
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