Half Angel (1951)
Very Underrated
26 February 2008
Half Angel (1951)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Incredibly charming and sweet romantic comedy about a shy and ordinary girl (Loretta Young) who doesn't know it but is in love with a lawyer (Joseph Cotten). She's about to be married to another man but she also sleepwalks and this is when she's able to confess her love for the lawyer. When she's awake, she hates him. This film doesn't have the best reputation but I loved nearly every second of it. You've certainly gotta wonder how Young can walk and talk while "sleepwalking" but that minor quibble aside, this is a great little gem. Young and Cotten have great chemistry together and both are very light on their feet and give terrific comedic performances. I've never seen Cotten so funny, although I haven't seen him in too many comedies. Young is a charming as ever and the supporting cast offers nice laughs as well. This Technicolor film is yet another Young film in the vaults of Fox.
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