terrible...truly terrible....
10 September 2008
I gave this show a chance, I really did, but none of these actors or actresses can act. Even in the most tear-inspiring situations, I feel embarrassed for these people because they are unable to even convince themselves or even the poor audience for that matter that what they are doing is worthwhile. I liked Brenda in the original series because she could accurately portray teen angst; Anna on the other hand acts like a cheerleader even in the most dire situations. The show just keeps getting progressively worse. In the third episode, the scene between Kelly, her mother and Erin (Silver) where Kelly confronts her mother for being an alcoholic seemed entirely contrived because there was just no emotion, no depth. I would recommend that no one watch this show. I'm just going to hope that it gets ignored long enough that it is taken off the air without a fuss and then we can all forget it ever aired to begin with.
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