Monster Squad (1976)
Wow! This Is Bad! Six-year-olds might like it. though.
2 July 2009
Who would have thought that a show with Dracula, the Wolf Man, and Frankenstein's monster teaming up to "save the world" would be so bad. Then again, what should I expect from a 70's Saturday morning show?

When I read that this was from the makers of the original Batman TV series I thought this might be good campy fun but it wasn't. It was horrible! This actually makes Batman look highly sophisticated.

Monster Squad tries hard to emulate the success of Batman ten years earlier but the writers don't seem to have enough imagination to bring us memorable scenarios or villains. The first episode's villain (Queen Bee) is probably the most annoying I've seen outside of a cartoon ever.

Each episode appears to only have two or three cardboard cutout sets where all the "action" takes place. Speaking of the action, every episode ends with a jaw-droppingly awful fight where the monsters defeat the super-villain's henchmen. The Wolf Man, Dracula, and Frankenstein's Monster seem to just stand there and flail their arms while the people they fight fall all over the scenery! It's so bad it makes the fighting in the Batman series look like a John Woo movie!

The only thing even remotely enjoyable about this TV series is the performance by the actor that plays Dracula. He delivers his corny lines with an expression on his face that seems to be saying "What the hell am I doing here?" They should have put him in a better show.
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