Pointless bore-fest
12 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Another stupid thrown together comedy that makes no real sense, This is just a bunch of one liners and repeated jokes that get a giggle here and there but ultimately the movie just sits there and dies. The events leading to their time travel are just ridiculous, for some reason they go to a resort they used to frequent and the hotel is now a dump with cats walking around it's lobby and a bell hop who throws around your luggage and yells at you which is all very realistic but they stay anyway. They find themselves back in time because of a very scientific hot tub glitch and then when they realize they are young looking again they don't use it to their advantage at all, they cry when sleeping with hot girls and try to repeat their past without knowing that they have to or not. There are some stupid drug references, one guy does a huge line of coke then just stops, another guy takes a dozen bong hits, mushrooms and drinks a ton but is then sober ten minutes later. John Cusack's character has the hot young love of his life in a bed but refuses to sleep with her. The other one is 24 years in the past but can only think of his current ex wife. They are watching a NFL playoff game they know the outcome of but they still lose? Clark Duke is unfunny and is running around with Chevy Chase in some pointless attempt at cohesion. The black guy is sporting a Kid and Play high top haircut but is playing a Rick Springfield song on stage which in the 80's would be two totally different styles.

How they have any money is another issue, their 2010 credit cards would not work in the past and even the cash money would be different but yet they are always drinking at bars but they seem to never eat. They are desperately trying to find a energy drink that will help them get back but during all this one guy finds the time to get laid. Then the black guy calls his 9 year old future wife to curse her out, but how he knows her phone number from 24 years ago way before they even met is beyond me. Then the guy getting laid realizes he needs to continue so the kid won't disappear and the girl just agrees to finish and get pregnant in front of her brother.

The ending is basically retarded, they all come back except Rob Corddry's character who stays behind and becomes rich by using his knowledge of the future and somehow has set up a perfect life for them which of course is impossible. They also have no knowledge of their own past which would make life pretty hard, and Cusack's wife looks just like she did in the past.

This is a really dumb movie.
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