See it just to see something different for a change.
29 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
David Duchovney and Demi Moore are The Joneses. The Joneses won't be for everybody. But it's different from any other movie that you'll see this year,i'll assure you of that. As far as entertainment value comes, The Joneses succeeds.

David Duchovney and Demi Moore play a supposed couple who moves into a new house with their kids. But as it turns out(spoiler alert!) none of these people know each other. Demi Moore is their boss. She goes house to house with a new family each time, trying to sell things or something like that. Or showing off their items to others so then the other people will purchase them.

While living with each other, things start to unravel. They each find out a little about each other. And things start to fall apart. And soon enough, everyone is wondering who The Joneses really are.

The Joneses is billed as a comedy. I didn't necessarily find it that funny. I found it more interesting than funny. The film is well acted. It's very entertaining,and it's highly original. Is it as original as something like Inception? No. Well, nothing this year will go against Inception.

The Joneses isn't great. If it was aiming to be a comedy, it fails. And I didn't fully understand parts of it. But I found the movie to be entertaining, and you won't see anything like it. I know I won't. The Joneses is a weird little movie that I think should be rented.

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