how can a filmmaker not get the selling point of his own movies?
9 January 2011
Pretty much everything I have to say is already out there in different reviews, but I'm going to say it anyway. The acting is bad, the dialogue atrocious and the storyline confusing. This I wouldn't care for, if they hadn't spent so much bloody time on it. I expected to see Tony Jaa kick ass, but as many of you pointed out, there's almost none of that as well. Especially the final fight is very disappointing and if you've watched the previous Tony Jaa movies you know all his moves by now. While I appreciate the effort to make a "real" film instead of an action flick, it was done horribly as the cinematics are awful: numerous completely pointless close-ups and weak special effects make it look like a college project at times. Special mention goes to the Comic relief character; never have worse humorous attempts been put to film.
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