Review of Claymore

Claymore (2007)
Damn I'm hooked. It's that good
12 January 2011
I rarely give any movies an excellent rating but this one did it. One day I was bored and decided to give Claymore (English dubbed) a try via Netflix. Oddly enough the plot and poster art were average at best. Almost instantly your hooked into a world of demons and female warriors (aka Claymores). But its not your typical anime with female sword wielding half human warriors.

Gone and are the zany/kid type humor and instead you get adult story lines and characters. I was soo hooked I watched 12 episodes straight. My only complaint is that sometimes its hard to distinguish the different Claymores since they all look alike. Its been a long time since I've been shocked by a film (or TV series) with such good quality. Only after a day of watching I can confidently say this is my #2 anime show/series of all time which was formally held by Robotech. Claymore is right below Transfomers G1 1980's stuff(not that Bay crap). In an odd way I'm nervous about watching the remaining episodes because at this pace its possible that Claymore could become #1 for me. Which is an odd feeling considering I've only watched half the season in one day and TF G1 I watched my entire childhood.

Update. Finally finished the series. Suffice to say it stayed at #2 of my list of all time best anime. The final couple of episodes kind of got repetitive and the final scene / resolution could've been better.
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