Worth watching, but it's B roots are showing...
25 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is an enjoyable film, however, it's very far from a great film--mostly due to an uneven script. Like many B-movies, you can see this one was rushed into production--warts and all.

"Seven Were Saved" is set in the final days of WWII in the Pacific. The focus in the beginning of the film is on an air-sea rescue pilot that flies Catalinas. He is planning on getting married to a young lieutenant but just before they are separated, they argue. Not surprisingly, due to the film title and cliché, the lady is among a group lost at sea. The survivors cling to life in a raft--hoping to somehow be saved in the very vast ocean.

The idea isn't bad--sort of like a poor man's version of "Lifeboat". But unlike the Hitchcock film, the writing has an awful lot of clichés. For example, just by chance, one member of this group recognizes the injured man brought aboard--he's her husband!!! And, while she loves him, he was assume killed and she's remarried. And, given the clichéd style, you KNOW that by the end of the film this guy will be dead!! There are a few other minor glitches here and there, but the actors (Especially Richard Denning) try their best. Interesting but quite flawed.
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