A Few Good Men (1992)
12 January 2012
There's a lot for me not to like. Tom Cruise's charm is wafer thin as it is, and barely present here. Demi Moore is one of the blandest actresses ever, she brings absolutely nothing to a movie. Sorkin's smug, sarcastic dialogue is grating, and the film's messages are not at all subtle or clever. The formulaic plot mechanics of the courtroom drama are in full effect, and Reiner's direction is artless as usual, relying on hacky montages, musical cues and trumped up emotional moments (in one particularly groanworthy scene, Cruise whines about his daddy issues). And yet, I will admit I was somewhat entertained. I guess it's that certain comfort that comes from the courtroom drama... you don't know exactly what the turning point will be, but you know it's coming right when the hero seems down for the count, and justice will prevail. And that scene (certainly the movie's most famous scene) is a satisfying one. It doesn't ring true in the slightest, but it's a dynamite exchange. Oh, and I'm pleased to have made it through this review without any hackneyed "You can't handle the truth!" jokes.
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