So gratuitous, but yeah entertaining. The lead is good.
18 February 2013
This is the first Mario Ford movie i watch, but i read enough on her to know she is not afraid of taking her clothes off, and this movie seem to be a perfect example of it. She goes topless... well over 3 times for sure, including a strip tease scene that is as unnecessary and gratuitous as it can get, and she ain't the only one. Pretty much every female except one get naked in this. So yeah we can say that this movie ain't shy on going for gratuitous nudity and trust me, the plot didn't call for it either.

Then the fights, the reason why i bough this movie in the first place, is because I'm on a quest to get every martial art American movie released in the 90s, and if you like this style, you may see my name on quite a few reviews of those. Well lets just say the fight scene are not very convincing, but decent enough when it comes to the lead, who is not by any means a martial artist. The director opted for what he could, as Miss Ford is no Cynthia Rothrock both in fluidity and body muscle. She fights a more "realistic" approach which is not really martial arts except a few kicks, but there its still a bit hard to swallow due to her being not very muscular, looking very fragile and its also a very low budget movie, so there is plenty of times where you think "damn those guys would kick her head off".

But where Maria Ford extremely shine is on the acting, she got that attitude in her character that was very convincing, and she even deliver a couple "attitude" one liners that i tough where awesome. She ain't looking cheesy or anything, surprisingly, even tough she don't have the tough chicks look at all, she act it so well you can actually believe she is.

Overall the story is your typical stalker/bodyguard story with a personal touch of revenge, something very 90s martial art movies style, but effective.

So i will give a nice 7 to this one because i feel they tried, they really tried to make a good movie, Maria Ford make a good performance and I'm looking to watch some of her other stuff for her acting ability. Im surprise she never made it bigger, cause she is definitely a good actress.
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