Les Oiseaux (1963)
Scared me as a kid.
2 December 2013
The first and only time I've watched this movie was with my mom when I was a little kid. Back at that time, the movie frightened me to new levels, as it was horrifying to see flocks of birds attacking people mercilessly.

I don't remember the actual plot of the story, which consists of a San Francisco socialite following a boyfriend to a small town, where all sorts of birds suddenly begin to attack people. I just remembered the birds viciously attacking the town's residents, people trapping themselves in buildings and gas stations blowing up, indirectly caused by the birds.

Unlike conventional horror movies, where you would normally see ghosts, goblins, vampires and zombies, "The Birds" is a film that gives you a normal everyday creature suddenly attacking people in huge numbers, something you don't expect to witness. This, as a result, is a very interesting concept for a horror movie and definitely send chills to your spines.

All the scenes of mayhem, chaos and people running for their lives are disturbing, yet suspenseful. One of Alfred Hitchcock's greatest works, this movie is a must-see for any horror movie fan.

Grade B+
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