Director Christophe Chevalier has paid an excellent tribute to Geneva's greatest citizen Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) in the year of his 300th birthday.
28 January 2014
"Le Nez Dans Le Ruisseau"/'The nose in the stream' is all about Switzerland's greatest citizen Jean-Jacques Rousseau's philosophy which resonates throughout the film. Whether it is adult students reading passages from Rousseau's "Les Confessions" or an animated yet passionate discussion about the importance of money,simple yet philosophical ideas by Rousseau convey their universal appeal in daily lives of people. This film by Christophe Chevalier is set around three people from absolutely different age groups, different backgrounds who have something to do with Rousseau. However, they have their own problems. How they find a solution to their problems remains a key element of this film. For admirers of Rousseau (1712-1778),2012 was a great year as it marked the tricentenary of the birth of this great champion of humanity and human freedom. There were plenty of celebrations throughout the world but as a feature film which paid tribute to Rousseau's thought, the importance of "Le Nez Dans Le Ruisseau" would grow in the years to come. The title of the film finds its origin in the famous song "La Faute à Voltaire" sung by Victor Hugo's character Gavroche (Les Misérables).Lastly,there are excellent performances by Sami Frey, Liam Kim, Anne Richard but it is Swiss actor Jean-Philippe Ecoffey who stands apart in his small yet touching role as a father who would like to see his son happy.
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